Oihane Montero | Psychologist
My name is Oihane Montero, psychologist based in Huesca with more than 12 years of experience working with patients of all ages.
“Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength”- Sigmund Freud
Online and face-to-face therapy
I provide face-to-face services in my Huesca office, as well as online sessions through different
platforms, so I can support you wherever you are and provide greater flexibility.
If you prefer conventional therapy, we will work face-to-face, in a safe, welcoming place where
you feel that you can express yourself freely.
About therapy

Imagine having the tools you would need to function as you would like in your life, with your
family, at work… Feeling like you have the energy to face new situations with enthusiasm, feeling
capable of facing any ups and downs that may come your way.
Think about waking up every day and accepting who you are, looking yourself in the mirror and
being comfortable with who you see there, and acknowledging that there may be aspects of you
that you want to work and that you are capable of dealing with.
All this is possible.
You might feel that life is complicated, that it is an uphill battle for you. Working with a
psychologist can help make things better. I care about your well-being, and I can help you develop
the right tools for you to take charge of the aspects of your life that you think are dragging you
My therapy is based on relationship building, on commitment, on self-knowledge, on free choice,
on trust. The therapeutic relationship begins when a person who wants to improve one or more
aspects of their life and feels that they don’t not know how to do it by themselves, comes to my
office seeking help. The patient has an active role in their personal development; my role is to
accompany them, facilitate their self-knowledge and enhance their abilities. In this relationship,
the patient will learn to recognize and name their own emotions, to discover what they need and
how to ask for it, to know what strategies they have to face life, which of them work for them and
which don’t. Therapy also highlights the patient’s automatic responses and turns them into
conscious ones, and helps them develop new behaviours and communication tools, which allow
them to face situations or challenges that they did not know how to deal with before.

The techniques I use in the sessions vary depending on each person. I use cognitive-behavioural
tools, mindfulness, body techniques, presentization, visualization… It also depends on the topic
we are addressing and the patient’s needs.

Start your therapy with me!
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